When Sacha Baron Cohen took the stage at the March For Your Rights Festival, he had already committed at least 2 crimes. In order to get the spot on stage, he defrauded the event staff. Then, as a liberal trolling the attendees, he was also trespassing.
He may have thought that was funny, but his actions have now resulted in official charges against him in a Texas court. According to an insider in the 46th Federal Court of Writs and Warrants in El Paso, a judge has signed off on those charges as well as ordered a deposition to see if he can be charged with a hate crime.
Cohen’s attorneys have said they think the whole thing is pretty ridiculous since the rally wasn’t in Texas, but that they’ll be happy to appear for their client in court. Lead defense attorney, Art Tubolls, says he won’t have to do much arguing:
“I’ll be carrying two signa. On will say ‘He paid to be there,’ and the other will say ‘1st Amendment.’ That should pretty much cover the charges. As for a hate crime, getting a bunch of racists to laugh and sing racist songs isn’t just hilarious, it’s perfectly legal.”
Attendees at the rally say they were overcome with emotion when they realized what was going on. A Trump campaign official said Cohen’s actions were unfair and uncalled for:
“To make us think this was all for fun was just wrong. Imagine what we went through when we realized we’d be judged by the entire country for singing ‘inject them with the Wuhan Flu’ and laughing along. When we realized he was trolling us, we felt just awful. None of actually believe in chopping up Chinese people like we used to do, but it was fun to live in the moment. Now that’s ruined and somehow we look like racists.”
The song went on for 8 minutes, which exceeds the federal guideline for parody. At 7 minutes, Cohen was legally obligated to disclose his full intentions. Texas District Attorney Joe Barron says that was a bridge too far:
“That boy could spend some time in the pokey. He’d better not come to Texas.”
There’s still no word on why Texas is involved at all, but as usual, they have the interests of true Americans in mind, so what difference does it make?
Good for you, Texas, God bless!
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