Satire That Makes You Horny
Joe Manchin Officially Joins Republican Party
The Senator is now working 100% for America. […]CLICK TO TATE
The Senator is now working 100% for America. […]CLICK TO TATE
Illegal immigration is out of control under Mr. Biden. […]CLICK TO TATE
The Shakespeare of sleepwear has found his tragic Hamlet scene. […]CLICK TO TATE
He really is following in Obama’s footsteps. […]CLICK TO TATE
The freshman lawmaker has not backed down on her controversial views. […]CLICK TO TATE
The Senator is trying to explain it as a “simple mistake”. […]CLICK TO TATE
Another turncoat leaves the swamp. […]CLICK TO TATE
Get ready to pay at the pump. […]CLICK TO TATE
“Cards Against Democrats” is making MILLIONS! […]CLICK TO TATE
The President’s past financial reputation has them spooked. […]CLICK TO TATE
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